Home Estructura interna María del Puy Carretero Carrasco María del Puy Carretero Carrasco Investigadora Senior Dra. Ingeniera en Informática mcarretero@vicomtech.org Publicaciones relacionadas Tesis Doctoral 2009-06-17 ADML: a framework for representing inhabitants in 3D virtual worlds David Oyarzun and Amalia Ortiz and María del Puy Carretero and Jean Gelissen and Alex García-Alonso and Yesha Sivan PDF 2008-12-01 Preserving Avatar Genuineness in Different Display Media María del Puy Carretero and David Oyarzun and Amalia Ortiz and Iosu Arizkuren and Raúl Navas and Alex García-Alonso Mobile Networks and Applications PDF 2007-10-03 The effect of an avatar in natural interaction M. Feli González and Cristina Buiza and Igone Etxeberria and Jose Javier Yanguas and Amalia Ortiz and María del Puy Carretero and David Oyarzun and Nestor Garay-Vitoria PDF 2007-06-11 Using Virtual Characters as TV Presenters David Oyarzun and Maider Lehr and Amalia Ortiz and María del Puy Carretero and Alejandro Ugarte and K. Vivanco and Alex García-Alonso PDF 2007-01-01 Elderly Users in Ambient Intelligence: Does an Avatar Improve the Interaction? Amalia Ortiz and María del Puy Carretero and David Oyarzun and Jose Javier Yanguas and Cristina Buiza and M. Feli González and Igone Etxeberria 2006-07-14 Virtual Characters as Emotional Interaction Element in the User Interfaces Amalia Ortiz and David Oyarzun and María del Puy Carretero and Nestor Garay-Vitoria 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 18.06.2010 Avatares Multidispositivo para Interacción Multimodal María del Puy Carretero Carrasco