Home Estructura interna Ander González Docasal Ander González Docasal Investigador Degree on Electronics Engineering agonzalezd@vicomtech.org Publicaciones relacionadas 2023-09-04 When Whisper Meets TTS: Domain Adaptation Using only Synthetic Speech Data Juan Camilo Vasquez Correa Haritz Arzelus Irazusta Juan Manuel Martín Doñas Joaquin Arellano Goicoechea Ander González Docasal Aitor Álvarez Muniain 2023-07-01 Enhancing Voice Cloning Quality through Data Selection and Alignment-Based Metrics Ander González Docasal Aitor Álvarez Muniain Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2022-02-01 Cascade or Direct Speech Translation? A Case Study Thierry Etchegoyhen Haritz Arzelus Irazusta Harritxu Gete Ugarte Aitor Álvarez Muniain Iván González Torre Juan Manuel Martín Doñas Ander González Docasal Edson Benites Applied Sciences 2021-10-04 GAMES: Automatic generation of metadata and multimedia content for media and archives in Basqu // GAMES: Generación automática de metadato y contenido para medios y archivos en euskera Aitor Álvarez Muniain Ander González Docasal Aitor García Pablos Elena Zotova Montserrat Cuadros Oller Haritz Arzelus Irazusta Alaitz Artolazabal Joxe Rojas Josu Azpillaga Iban Arantzabal 2021-09-22 EKIN: Towards Natural Language Interaction with Industrial Production Machines Arantza del Pozo Echezarreta Manex Serras Ander González Docasal María Inés Torres Eneko Ruiz Izaskun Fernández Cristina Aceta Daniel Aguinaga Mikel de la Cruz Iker Altuna Joseba Agirre Iker Etxebeste 2021-09-22 AutoPunct: A BERT-based Automatic Punctuation and Capitalisation System for Spanish and Basque Ander González Docasal Aitor García Pablos Haritz Arzelus Irazusta Aitor Álvarez Muniain Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 1 2