Home Estructura interna Bruno Simoes Bruno Simoes Investigador Senior PhD in Mathematics bsimoes@vicomtech.org Publicaciones relacionadas 2020-11-11 Streamlining XR Technology Into Industrial Training and Maintenance Processes Bruno Simoes Carles Creus López María del Puy Carretero Carrasco Álvaro Guinea 2020-11-11 Photorealism and Kinematics for Web-based CAD data Bruno Simoes María del Puy Carretero Carrasco Jorge Martínez 2020-11-09 Merging Geospatial Technologies with Cross Reality in the context of smart manufacturing systems Raffaele De Amicis William Z Bernstein Johannes Scholz Rafael Radkowski Bruno Simoes Joshua Lieberman Eric Prather 2020-09-07 AREVA: Augmented Reality Voice Assistant for Industrial Maintenance Manex Serras Saenz Laura García Sardiña Bruno Simoes Hugo Álvarez Ponga Jon Arambarri Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 2020-06-07 Dialogue Enhanced Extended Reality: Interactive System for the Operator 4.0 Manex Serras Saenz Laura García Sardiña Bruno Simoes Hugo Álvarez Ponga Jon Arambarri Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2020-05-18 A systematic literature review on dynamic cognitive augmentation through immersive reality: challenges and perspectives Eric A. Prather Arash Shahbaz Bad Bruno Simoes Raffaele De Amicis 1 2 3 4 ‧‧‧ 4