Augmenting live aerial video images with GIS information to enhance decision making process during emergencies
This paper presents a framework for realtime airborne imagery and video stream augmenting by direct georeferencing and GIS layer live projection. It is based on the combination of global and inertial navigation systems, GIS and 3D computer graphic techniques. A tool for enhancing visually the aerial video images with georeferentiated content contributes effectively during the decision making process at Emergency Management Centers (EMC). Furthermore, the broadcasting of the augmented video is also considered in order to inform the details of the emergency to the affected population. On the other hand, the storage of georeferenced videos allows location based video retrieval for subsequent analysis of the emergency attendance.
author = {Maider Laka and Julen García and Kevin Alonso and Marco Quartulli},
title = {Augmenting live aerial video images with GIS information to enhance decision making process during emergencies},
pages = {95-103},
keywds = {
Emergency Management, GIS, Digital video, Augmented Reality, Semantic Annotation
abstract = {
This paper presents a framework for realtime airborne imagery and video stream augmenting by direct georeferencing and GIS layer live projection. It is based on the combination of global and inertial navigation systems, GIS and 3D computer graphic techniques. A tool for enhancing visually the aerial video images with georeferentiated content contributes effectively during the decision making process at Emergency Management Centers (EMC). Furthermore, the broadcasting of the augmented video is also considered in order to inform the details of the emergency to the affected population. On the other hand, the storage of georeferenced videos allows location based video retrieval for subsequent analysis of the emergency attendance.
date = {2012-06-18},
year = {2012},