Automatic removal of identifying information in official EU languages for public administrations: The MAPA project

Egileak: L. Gianola E. Ajausks Victoria Arranz C. Bendahman L. Bié C. Borg A. Cerdà K. Choukri Montserrat Cuadros Oller Ona De Gibert H. Degroote E. Edelman Thierry Etchegoyhen Ángela Franco Mercedes García Aitor García Pablos A. Gatt C. Grouin M. Herranz A. A. Kohan T. Lavergne M. Melero P. Paroubek M. Rigault

Data: 01.12.2020


The European MAPA (Multilingual Anonymisation for Public Administrations) project aims at developing an open-source solution for automatic de-identification of medical and legal documents. We introduce here the context, partners and aims of the project, and report on preliminary results.


@Article {
title = {Automatic removal of identifying information in official EU languages for public administrations: The MAPA project},
pages = {223-226},
keywds = {
Automatic de-identification; Legal documents; Multingual; Open-source
abstract = {

The European MAPA (Multilingual Anonymisation for Public Administrations) project aims at developing an open-source solution for automatic de-identification of medical and legal documents. We introduce here the context, partners and aims of the project, and report on preliminary results.

date = {2020-12-01},

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