Automatic Video Synchronization of Remote TV Sets
Current production infrastructures on top of chroma technologies deal with one TV set to build virtual studios. Revolution in streaming equipment achieving low latency features opens new unexplored possibilities such us real time fusion of geographically distributed sets to create new experiences in consistent and homogeneous scenes. However, it brings synchronization issues to be addressed in order to accomplish a smooth interaction feeling between the remote speakers. To this end, this paper describes a standard-based solution for automatic accurate synchronization, removing the human tuning need.
author = {Julen García, Josu Pérez, Maider Laka, Ángel Martín},
title = {Automatic Video Synchronization of Remote TV Sets},
keywds = {
live streaming, synchronization, NTP, virtual set
abstract = {
Current production infrastructures on top of chroma technologies deal with one TV set to build virtual studios. Revolution in streaming equipment achieving low latency features opens new unexplored possibilities such us real time fusion of geographically distributed sets to create new experiences in consistent and homogeneous scenes. However, it brings synchronization issues to be addressed in order to accomplish a smooth interaction feeling between the remote speakers. To this end, this paper describes a standard-based solution for automatic accurate synchronization, removing the human tuning need.
date = {2013-11-07},
year = {2013},