Building Domain Ontologies from Engineering Standards

Egileak: Carlos Toro and Javier Vaquero and Manuel Graña and Cesar Sanín and Edward Szczerbicki and Jorge Posada

Data: 02.03.2012

Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal



The use of engineering standards in virtual engineering and their potential as models for the specification of a given domain's ontology are arguably unexplored. The importance of domain modeling in virtual engineering deals directly with the potential benefits that the semantic technologies may bring, allowing to discover implicit knowledge that can be beneficial for engineers. This work presents a state-of-the-art review of the technologies used in our approach, a successful case study where our methodology was applied, and the description and results of an experiment designed to provide a quantitative validation of our methodology.


@Article {
author = {Carlos Toro and Javier Vaquero and Manuel Graña and Cesar Sanín and Edward Szczerbicki and Jorge Posada},
title = {Building Domain Ontologies from Engineering Standards},
journal = {Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal},
pages = {114-126},
volume = {43},
keywds = {
domain modeling, knowledge-based systems, ontologies
abstract = {
The use of engineering standards in virtual engineering and their potential as models for the specification of a given domain's ontology are arguably unexplored. The importance of domain modeling in virtual engineering deals directly with the potential benefits that the semantic technologies may bring, allowing to discover implicit knowledge that can be beneficial for engineers. This work presents a state-of-the-art review of the technologies used in our approach, a successful case study where our methodology was applied, and the description and results of an experiment designed to provide a quantitative validation of our methodology.
isi = {1},
date = {2012-03-02},
year = {2012},

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