Dataset of user interactions across four large pilots on the use of augmented reality in learning experiences

Egileak: Ana Domínguez Fanlo Guillermo Pacho Rodríguez Lisa Bowers Fridolin Wild Sarah Alcock Giuseppe Chiazzese Mariella Farella Marco Arrigo David Ross Rita Treacy Darya Yegorina Eleni Mangina

Data: 01.12.2023

Scientific Data


Augmented Reality in education can support students in a wide range of cognitive tasks–fostering understanding, remembering, applying, analysing, evaluating, and creating learning-relevant information more easily. It can help keep up engagement, and it can render learning more fun. Within the framework of a multi-year investigation encompassing primary and secondary schools across Europe, the ARETE project developed several Augmented Reality applications, providing tools for user interaction and data collection in the education sector. The project developed innovative AR learning technology and methodology, validating these in four comprehensive pilot studies, in total involving more than 2,900 students and teachers. Each pilot made use of a different Augmented Reality application covering specific subjects (English literacy skills, Mathematics and Geography, Positive Behaviour, plus, additionally, an Augmented Reality authoring tool applied in a wide range of subjects). In this paper, we introduce the datasets collected during the pilots, describe how the data enabled the validation of the technology, and how the approach chosen could enhance existing augmented reality applications in data exploration and modelling.


@Article {
title = {Dataset of user interactions across four large pilots on the use of augmented reality in learning experiences},
journal = {Scientific Data},
pages = {823},
volume = {10},
keywds = {
Augmented Reality; Educational Measurement; Educational Status; Europe; Humans; Learning
abstract = {

Augmented Reality in education can support students in a wide range of cognitive tasks–fostering understanding, remembering, applying, analysing, evaluating, and creating learning-relevant information more easily. It can help keep up engagement, and it can render learning more fun. Within the framework of a multi-year investigation encompassing primary and secondary schools across Europe, the ARETE project developed several Augmented Reality applications, providing tools for user interaction and data collection in the education sector. The project developed innovative AR learning technology and methodology, validating these in four comprehensive pilot studies, in total involving more than 2,900 students and teachers. Each pilot made use of a different Augmented Reality application covering specific subjects (English literacy skills, Mathematics and Geography, Positive Behaviour, plus, additionally, an Augmented Reality authoring tool applied in a wide range of subjects). In this paper, we introduce the datasets collected during the pilots, describe how the data enabled the validation of the technology, and how the approach chosen could enhance existing augmented reality applications in data exploration and modelling.

doi = {10.1038/s41597-023-02743-6},
date = {2023-12-01},

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