Diffusion Models for Realistic CT Image Generation

Egileak: Maialen Stephens Txurio Karen López-Linares Román Andrés Marcos Pilar Castellote José M. Santabárbara Iván Macía Oliver Miguel Ángel González

Data: 14.06.2023


Generative networks, such as GANs, have been applied to the medical image domain, where they have demonstrated their ability to synthesize realistic-looking images. However, training these models is hard, as they show multiple challenges like mode collapse or vanishing gradients. Recently, diffusion probabilistic models have revealed to outperform GANs in the context of natural images. However, only a few early works have attempted their use in medical images. Hence, in this work we aim at evaluating the potential of diffusion models to generate realistic CT images. We make use of the Frechet Inception Distance to quantitatively evaluate the trained model at different epochs, as a metric to provide information about the fidelity of the synthetic samples, displaying a clear convergence of the value in the advance of the training process. We quantitative and qualitatively show to successfully achieve coherent and precise CT images, compared to real images.


@Article {
title = {Diffusion Models for Realistic CT Image Generation},
pages = {335-344},
keywds = {
CT synthesis; Deep learning; Diffusion probabilistic model; Image generation; Medical imaging
abstract = {

Generative networks, such as GANs, have been applied to the medical image domain, where they have demonstrated their ability to synthesize realistic-looking images. However, training these models is hard, as they show multiple challenges like mode collapse or vanishing gradients. Recently, diffusion probabilistic models have revealed to outperform GANs in the context of natural images. However, only a few early works have attempted their use in medical images. Hence, in this work we aim at evaluating the potential of diffusion models to generate realistic CT images. We make use of the Frechet Inception Distance to quantitatively evaluate the trained model at different epochs, as a metric to provide information about the fidelity of the synthetic samples, displaying a clear convergence of the value in the advance of the training process. We quantitative and qualitatively show to successfully achieve coherent and precise CT images, compared to real images.

isbn = {978-981993310-5},
date = {2023-06-14},

Gipuzkoako Zientzia eta Teknologia Parkea,
Mikeletegi Pasealekua 57,
20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (Espainia)

+(34) 943 309 230

Zorrotzaurreko Erribera 2, Deusto,
48014 Bilbo (Espainia)

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