Discot: A Platform to Approach Information Society to Everyman Users

Egileak: Alejandro Ugarte and Julián Flórez and Igor García and David Oyarzun

Data: 03.06.2009



Information society offers the possibility to access content and services, to make business, to communicate people. However not everybody have the skills required to use a PC in order to access these new services. The group of users that are let out of this information society is called the digital gap. On the other hand, we have television sets, a platform with a huge penetration that everybody is capable of using, but with not so many applications. Actions taken to reduce the digital gap, usually imply trying to make PCs more accessible to everybody. In this paper, in the contrary, we propose an approach where applications are moved into the television environment, so that users do not require new skills to interact with this new content. In this paper we present the architecture of an advanced media center that makes this approach possible.


@Article {
author = {Alejandro Ugarte and Julián Flórez and Igor García and David Oyarzun},
title = {Discot: A Platform to Approach Information Society to Everyman Users},
pages = {140-141},
keywds = {
Advanced media center, Digital gap, Interactive TV, smart homes, Internet TV
abstract = {
Information society offers the possibility to access content and services, to make business, to communicate people. However not everybody have the skills required to use a PC in order to access these new services. The group of users that are let out of this information society is called the digital gap. On the other hand, we have television sets, a platform with a huge penetration that everybody is capable of using, but with not so many applications. Actions taken to reduce the digital gap, usually imply trying to make PCs more accessible to everybody. In this paper, in the contrary, we propose an approach where applications are moved into the television environment, so that users do not require new skills to interact with this new content. In this paper we present the architecture of an advanced media center that makes this approach possible.
isbn = {978-9081428002},
date = {2009-06-03},
year = {2009},

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48014 Bilbo (Espainia)

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