High-realistic and flexible virtual presenters
Egileak: David Oyarzun and Andoni Mujika and Aitor Álvarez and Aritz Legarretaetxebarria and Aitor Arrieta and María del Puy Carretero
Data: 09.07.2010
author = {David Oyarzun and Andoni Mujika and Aitor Álvarez and Aritz Legarretaetxebarria and Aitor Arrieta and María del Puy Carretero},
title = {High-realistic and flexible virtual presenters},
pages = {108-117},
volume = {6169},
keywds = {
3D virtual presenters and mixed reality and real time animation
abstract = {
This paper presents the research steps that have been necessaries for creating a mixed reality prototype called PUPPET. The prototype provides a 3D virtual presenter that is immersed in a real TV scenario and can be driven by an actor in real time. In this way it can interact with real presenters and/or public. The key modules of this prototype improve the state-of-the-art about these systems in four different aspects: real time management of high-realistic 3D characters, animations generated automatically from actor’s speech, less equipment needs, and flexibility in the real/virtual integration. The paper describes the architecture and main modules of the prototype
isbn = {978-3-642-14060-0},
date = {2010-07-09},
year = {2010},