Methodology for generating synthetic labeled datasets for visual container inspection

Egileak: Delgado. Guillem

Data: 01.07.2023

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review


Nowadays, containerized freight transport is one of the most important transportation systems that is undergoing an automation process due to the Deep Learning success. However, it suffers from a lack of annotated data in order to incorporate state-of-the-art neural network models to its systems. In this paper we present an innovative methodology to generate a realistic, varied, balanced, and labelled dataset for visual inspection task of containers in a dock environment. In addition, we validate this methodology with multiple visual tasks recurrently found in the state of the art. We prove that the generated synthetic labelled dataset allows to train a deep neural network that can be used in a real world scenario. On the other side, using this methodology we provide the first open synthetic labelled dataset called SeaFront available in: 


@Article {
author = {Delgado. Guillem},
title = {Methodology for generating synthetic labeled datasets for visual container inspection},
journal = {Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review},
pages = {19},
volume = {Vol. 175},
keywds = {
Container damage identification; Dataset; Deep Learning; Object Detection; Shipping Container Inspection; Synthetic Data
abstract = {

Nowadays, containerized freight transport is one of the most important transportation systems that is undergoing an automation process due to the Deep Learning success. However, it suffers from a lack of annotated data in order to incorporate state-of-the-art neural network models to its systems. In this paper we present an innovative methodology to generate a realistic, varied, balanced, and labelled dataset for visual inspection task of containers in a dock environment. In addition, we validate this methodology with multiple visual tasks recurrently found in the state of the art. We prove that the generated synthetic labelled dataset allows to train a deep neural network that can be used in a real world scenario. On the other side, using this methodology we provide the first open synthetic labelled dataset called SeaFront available in: 

doi = {10.1016/j.tre.2023.103174},
date = {2023-07-01},

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