On the automatic Generation of Intermediate Logic Forms for WordNet Glosses
author = {Rodrigo Agerri and Anselmo Peñas},
title = {On the automatic Generation of Intermediate Logic Forms for WordNet Glosses},
pages = {26-38},
volume = {6008},
keywds = {
Lexical Resources, Semantics, Computational Linguistics
abstract = {
This paper presents an automatically generated Intermediate Logic Form of WordNet's glosses. Our proposed logic form includes neo-Davidsonian reification in a simple and flat syntax close to natural language. We offer a comparison with other semantic representations such as those provided by Hobbs and Extended WordNet. The Intermediate Logic Forms are straightforwardly obtained from the output of a pipeline consisting of a part-of-speech tagger, a dependency parser and our own Intermediate Logic Form generator (all freely available tools). We apply the pipeline to the glosses of WordNet to obtain a lexical resource ready to be used as knowledge base or resource for a variety of tasks involving some kind of semantic inference. We present a qualitative evaluation of the resource and discuss its possible application in Natural Language Understanding.
isbn = {3-642-12115-2},
date = {2010-03-22},
year = {2010},