The coding and annotation of multimodal dialogue acts
author = {Volha V. Petukhova and Harry Bunt},
title = {The coding and annotation of multimodal dialogue acts},
pages = {1293-1300},
keywds = {
multimodal dialogue behaviour, multimodal dialogue act annotation, international standards
abstract = {
This paper describes how the ISO 24617-2 annotation scheme can be used, together with the DIT++ method of ‘multidimensional segmentation’, to annotate nonverbal and multimodal dialogue behaviour. We analyse the fundamental distinction between (a) the coding of surface features; (b) form-related semantic classification; and (c) semantic annotation in terms of dialogue acts, supported by experimental studies of (a) and (b). We discuss examples of specification languages for representing the results of each of these activities, showing how dialogue act annotations can be attached to XML representations of functional segments of multimodal data.
isbn = {978-2-9517408-7-7},
date = {2012-05-23},
year = {2012},