To Case or not to case: Evaluating Casing Methods for Neural Machine Translation

Data: 15.05.2020


We present a comparative evaluation of casing methods for Neural Machine Translation, to help establish an optimal pre- and post-processing methodology. We trained and compared system variants on data prepared with the main casing methods available, namely translation of raw data without case normalisation, lowercasing with recasing, truecasing, case factors and inline casing.
Machine translation models were prepared on WMT 2017 English-German and English-Turkish datasets, for all translation directions, and the evaluation includes reference metric results as well as a targeted analysis of case preservation accuracy. Inline casing, where case information is marked along lowercased words in the training data, proved to be the optimal approach overall in these experiments.


@Article {
title = {To Case or not to case: Evaluating Casing Methods for Neural Machine Translation},
pages = {3752-3760},
keywds = {
Neural Machine Translation, Casing, Evaluation
abstract = {

We present a comparative evaluation of casing methods for Neural Machine Translation, to help establish an optimal pre- and post-processing methodology. We trained and compared system variants on data prepared with the main casing methods available, namely translation of raw data without case normalisation, lowercasing with recasing, truecasing, case factors and inline casing.
Machine translation models were prepared on WMT 2017 English-German and English-Turkish datasets, for all translation directions, and the evaluation includes reference metric results as well as a targeted analysis of case preservation accuracy. Inline casing, where case information is marked along lowercased words in the training data, proved to be the optimal approach overall in these experiments.

isbn = {979-109554634-4},
date = {2020-05-15},

Gipuzkoako Zientzia eta Teknologia Parkea,
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20009 Donostia / San Sebastián (Espainia)

+(34) 943 309 230

Zorrotzaurreko Erribera 2, Deusto,
48014 Bilbo (Espainia)

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