Towards the integration of WordNet into ClinIDMap

Egileak: Elena Zotova Montserrat Cuadros Oller Germán Rigau

Data: 01.01.2023


This paper presents the integration of WordNet knowledge resource into ClinIDMap tool, which aims to map identifiers between clinical ontologies and lexical resources. ClinIDMap interlinks identifiers from UMLS, SMOMED-CT, ICD-10 and the corresponding Wikidata and Wikipedia articles for concepts from the UMLS Metathesaurus. The main goal of the tool is to provide semantic interoperability across the clinical concepts from various knowledge bases. As a side effect, the mapping enriches already annotated medical corpora in multiple languages with new labels. In this new release, we add WordNet 3.0 and 3.1 synsets using the available mappings through Wikidata. Thanks to cross-lingual links in MCR we also include the corresponding synsets in other languages and also, extend further ClinIDMap with different domain information. Finally, the final resource helps in the task of enriching of already annotated clinical corpora with additional semantic annotations.


@Article {
title = {Towards the integration of WordNet into ClinIDMap},
pages = {352-362},
abstract = {

This paper presents the integration of WordNet knowledge resource into ClinIDMap tool, which aims to map identifiers between clinical ontologies and lexical resources. ClinIDMap interlinks identifiers from UMLS, SMOMED-CT, ICD-10 and the corresponding Wikidata and Wikipedia articles for concepts from the UMLS Metathesaurus. The main goal of the tool is to provide semantic interoperability across the clinical concepts from various knowledge bases. As a side effect, the mapping enriches already annotated medical corpora in multiple languages with new labels. In this new release, we add WordNet 3.0 and 3.1 synsets using the available mappings through Wikidata. Thanks to cross-lingual links in MCR we also include the corresponding synsets in other languages and also, extend further ClinIDMap with different domain information. Finally, the final resource helps in the task of enriching of already annotated clinical corpora with additional semantic annotations.

date = {2023-01-01},

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