Using Semantic Technologies and Case Based Reasoning to Support Course Curriculum Design Tasks
Egileak: Javier Vaquero and Carlos Toro and Ricardo Ferrería and Josune Prieto and Nieves Alcaín and Jesús Rosel and Mar Segura
Data: 24.03.2009
author = {Javier Vaquero and Carlos Toro and Ricardo Ferrería and Josune Prieto and Nieves Alcaín and Jesús Rosel and Mar Segura},
title = {Using Semantic Technologies and Case Based Reasoning to Support Course Curriculum Design Tasks},
pages = {384-387},
volume = {Volume 1},
keywds = {
CBR, Ontologies, Course Design, Knowledge Based Systems
abstract = {
This paper presents a novel approach to Course Curriculum Design (CCD) where Semantic Technologies and Case Based Reasoning (CBR) techniques are used to assure (i) a better understanding of the course being designed and (ii) an efficient use of the available resources. Our work focuses on re-utilization of previously modelled information (courses, tasks, evaluations, etc.) in order to maximize the efficiency of the Course Design process while at the same time embedding implicit and experential knowledge of the course designers. Our approach is presented through an easy to follow architecture that can be adapted to course curriculum regulations of most European and American models. As a test case, we present an implementation for a Spanish technician-level telecommunications course, to demonstrate the benefits of our proposal.
isbn = {978-989-8111-83-8},
date = {2009-03-24},
year = {2009},