V3: Unsupervised generation of domain aspect terms for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis

Egileak: Aitor García, Montse Cuadros, German Rigau, Seán Gaines

Data: 23.08.2014


This paper presents V3, an unsupervised system for aspect-based Sentiment Analysis when evaluated on the SemEval 2014 Task 4. V3 focuses on generating a list of aspect terms for a new domain using a collection of raw texts from the domain. We also implement a very basic approach to classify the aspect terms into categories and assign polarities to them.


@Article {
author = {Aitor García, Montse Cuadros, German Rigau, Seán Gaines},
title = {V3: Unsupervised generation of domain aspect terms for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis},
pages = {833-837},
keywds = {

Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis Unsupersived aspect term generation

abstract = {

This paper presents V3, an unsupervised system for aspect-based Sentiment Analysis when evaluated on the SemEval 2014 Task 4. V3 focuses on generating a list of aspect terms for a new domain using a collection of raw texts from the domain. We also implement a very basic approach to classify the aspect terms into categories and assign polarities to them.

date = {2014-08-23},
year = {2014},

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