Home Barne-egitura Aitor Moreno Guerrero Aitor Moreno Guerrero Senior Ikertzailea Dr. Informatikan Ingeniaria amoreno@vicomtech.org Lotutako argitalpenak Doktorego Tesia 2004-01-01 Evaluation of NURBS Surfaces: an Overview based on Runtime Efficiency Héctor Sánchez and Aitor Moreno and David Oyarzun and Alex García-Alonso PDF 2003-11-05 NURBS Surfaces: a geometric primitive for cooperative visualization Héctor Sánchez and Aitor Moreno and David Oyarzun and Alex García-Alonso PDF 2003-09-01 Predictive fixed-frame rate tessellation of NURBS surfaces Héctor Sánchez and Aitor Moreno and Alex García-Alonso PDF 1 ‧‧‧ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15.03.2013 Propagación y Extinción de Incendios Forestales y Urbanos para Entornos de Entrenamiento Virtuales Aitor Moreno Guerrero