Home Barne-egitura Jorge Posada Velásquez Jorge Posada Velásquez Zuzendari Zientifikoa eta Instituzionala Dr. Mekanika Ingeniaritzan jposada@vicomtech.org Lotutako argitalpenak Doktorego Tesia 2023-11-16 An approach to the decomposition of solids with voids via Morse theory Juan Camilo Pareja Corcho Diego Alejandro Montoya Zapata Aitor Moreno Guerrero Carlos Cadavid Jorge Posada Velásquez Ketzare Arenas Óscar Ruiz 2023-10-09 On Web Digital Twins: an use case for a Gerotor pump Juan Camilo Pareja Corcho Asier Pedrera Jon Ciarrusta Aitor Moreno Guerrero Óscar Ruiz Jorge Posada Velásquez 2023-10-01 Computer supported toolpath planning for LMD additive manufacturing based on cylindrical slicing Diego Alejandro Montoya Zapata Aitor Moreno Guerrero Igor Ortíz Jorge Posada Velásquez Óscar Ruiz International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2023-01-01 Visual Analytics Platform for Centralized COVID-19 Digital Contact Tracing Igor García Olaizola Jan Lukas Bruse Juan Odriozola González Arkaitz Artetxe Vallejo David Velásquez Rendón Marco Quartulli Jorge Posada Velásquez IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 2022-07-08 Cylindrical Transform Slicing of Revolute Parts with Overhangs for Laser Metal Deposition Diego Alejandro Montoya Zapata Aitor Moreno Guerrero Igor Ortiz Oscar Ruiz Jorge Posada Velásquez 2022-04-01 Experimental and computational assessment of minimizing overfill in trajectory corners by laser velocity control of laser cladding Diego Alejandro Montoya Zapata Jorge Posada Velásquez Piera Álvarez Carles Creus Aitor Moreno Guerrero Igor Ortiz Óscar Ruiz The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ‧‧‧ 18 09.12.2005 A Methodology for the Semantic Visualization of Industrial Plant CAD Models for Virtual Reality Walkthroughs Jorge Posada Velásquez