Enhancing Researchers’ Performance by Building Commitment to Organizational Results
Egileak: Iñaki Azúa
Data: 01.03.2020
Research-Technology Management
Performance measurement systems are a fundamental concern for R&D managers and executives. The main challenge is ensuring that R&D managers can match organizational key performance indicators with researchers’ interests. This article details a new approach to measuring the fuzzy parameter of researchers’ performance. It presents a case study on the implementation of a rating system in a research technology organization and reports the results the system achieved, including researcher satisfaction. We describe which researcher skills were selected for rating, the evaluation criteria developed, and the data collection system that supported the rating process. The rating system was developed to be objective and acceptable to researchers, and to support achievement of desired corporate results. We present lessons learned from implementation over four years.
title = {Enhancing Researchers’ Performance by Building Commitment to Organizational Results},
journal = {Research-Technology Management},
pages = {46-54},
volume = {63},
keywds = {
Performance measurement system, Balanced scorecard, Key performance indicators
abstract = {
Performance measurement systems are a fundamental concern for R&D managers and executives. The main challenge is ensuring that R&D managers can match organizational key performance indicators with researchers’ interests. This article details a new approach to measuring the fuzzy parameter of researchers’ performance. It presents a case study on the implementation of a rating system in a research technology organization and reports the results the system achieved, including researcher satisfaction. We describe which researcher skills were selected for rating, the evaluation criteria developed, and the data collection system that supported the rating process. The rating system was developed to be objective and acceptable to researchers, and to support achievement of desired corporate results. We present lessons learned from implementation over four years.
doi = {10.1080/08956308.2020.1707010},
date = {2020-03-01},