Graphics and Media Technologies for Operators in Industry 4.0

Egileak: Jorge Posada Velásquez Mikel Zorrilla Berasategui Ana Domínguez Fanlo Bruno Simoes Peter Eisert Didier Stricker Jason Rambach Jürgen Döllner Miguel Guevara

Data: 01.10.2018

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications


Visual computing technologies have an important role in manufacturing and production, particularly in new Industry 4.0 scenarios with intelligent machines, human-robot collaboration and learning factories. In this article, we explore challenges and examples on how the fusion of graphics, vision and media technologies can enhance the role of operators in this new context.


@Article {
title = {Graphics and Media Technologies for Operators in Industry 4.0},
journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications},
pages = {119-132},
volume = {38},
keywds = {
computer graphics, computer vision, visual computing, media, industry 4.0, smart factory
abstract = {

Visual computing technologies have an important role in manufacturing and production, particularly in new Industry 4.0 scenarios with intelligent machines, human-robot collaboration and learning factories. In this article, we explore challenges and examples on how the fusion of graphics, vision and media technologies can enhance the role of operators in this new context.

doi = {10.1109/MCG.2018.053491736},
date = {2018-10-01},

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